AB Biller Mahogany Speargun
AB Biller Mahogany Speargun
AB Biller

AB Biller Mahogany Speargun
The A.B. Biller Speargun, built in the U.S.A. and in use all over the world, has proven itself as the foremost production speargun on today's market. The stainless-steel trigger mechanism is unsurpassed in reliability and smooth action. The high-grade grooved mahogany, teak, or padauk barrel provides pinpoint accuracy, easy underwater maneuverability due to its neutral buoyancy and absorbs 80% of the firing noise a metal gun will create. The importance of noise elimination when firing a speargun under water is a well-known fact to most experienced and successful spearfisherman.
All A.B. Biller spearguns are provided with a stainless spring steel shaft 5/16" diameter, manufactured from a special alloy originally developed for the U.S. Navy. Heat treated to Rockwell 44C, these shafts produce a unique combination of hardness and spring tension. Two 9/16" O.D. natural rubber slings with special stainless-steel swiveling wishbone and a hardened stainless spring steel double barb swivel tip are standard with A.B. Biller guns. The A.B. Biller Company manufactures their spearguns in several variations and has provided the guns for many U.S. National and State Spearfishing Champions.
Redesigned and patented safety allows for easy, one-handed operation featuring silent lock and unlock. Adapts for both right- and left-handed position. Improved and patented trigger mechanism manufactured from hardened stainless spring steel and housed in a Nylon cartridge provides smooth and reliable trigger action. Muzzle, grip and butt are rugged plastic. Mahogany wood has a high strength factor compared to its weight and is very durable. It is widely used in marine applications. All A.B. Biller spearguns are hand-made. The mahogany wood receives 3 coats of polyurethane to protect it from environmental influences. Hardened stainless spring steel rock point tip, (055-R) double barb, swivel, safety cap. By using hardened stainless spring steel in the manufacture of these tips AB Biller has created what every spearfisherman is looking for maximum strength and durability, reduced diameter, weight and drag as well as an easy and fast way to extract fish from the tip.