Returns & Exchanges
Hartlyn wants to ensure that our customers buy with confidence. We know that buying online is not the same as buying in store and sometimes you may not be satisfied with your purchase. This is why we offer a no hassle return policy. We will accept any product in new/unused condition with the original packaging within 7 days of receiving the product. There is potential for restocking fee.
Certain items might not be eligible for a refund. Wetsuits definitely fall into this category. Wetsuits come in a variety of thicknesses and sizes. Often times wetsuits need to be special ordered and are not in stock at Hartlyn. There is a chance of not accepting a wetsuit for a refund or exchange so please be sure on the sizing before the order is placed.
For items that were damaged during use the manufacturer will often be responsible for warranty. Just because you purchased an item through us does not necessarily mean that we are responsible for the integrity of the product. Luckily, all of the suppliers that we work with stand by their products and if something happens to your product that should not have, the supplier/manufacturer will help to the best of their abilities.
Some products receive a free promotion item... If you need to send back the product that had an eligible free promotion item included, the promotion item must be sent back as well.
If you receive an item that was sent incorrectly or it is damaged/defective we will email you a shipping label at no cost to get the product back to us for a refund or an exchange. If you receive the correct item that you ordered and you would like to send it back to us for an exchange or a refund you will be responsible for shipping costs. Please contact or call 844-HARTLYN to discuss obtaining a shipping label or to ask any general questions.
Sale/clearance items are not eligible for a refund and often are unable to do an exchange. This is a case by case scenario.
Please have any shipment back to us be sent to:
ATTN: Returns
7910 N Tamiami Trail, #206
Sarasota, FL 34243